Més informació [ Detall d'activitat

9006290500   Teachers and Students as storytellers (without a book or text). Communication from the first day!
2016-2017   Curs. Educació Primària
   3/7/2017 - 7/7/2017 (30 hores) de h a h
   INS Pius Font i Quer
   c. Amadeu Vives, s/n (Manresa) 
Format   Presencial
Organització   Servei de Formació i Desenvolupament Professional del Personal
   Les sessions presencials són els dies 3,4,5,6 i 7 de juliol de 9:00 a 14:00 h.
Accessos   Plànol
Inscripció   15/05/2017 - 31/05/2017
Descripció i   Metodologia:   Sixty percent of human communication happens through storytelling. Students of all ages and levels love stories and can start storytelling from Elementary upwards!
Learn how to tell your students good stories without having to memorise or read, and get them to do the same!
This course includes storytelling theory and lots of practice, classroom activities and lesson plans, as well as light physical movement, breathing and voice, elocution, pronunciation work for storytelling preparation.
We will also explore more general benefits of storytelling for students and teachers: holding an audience/students’ attention, voice projection, body language, classroom management, etc.
Objectius   1.Teachers will be able to choose and tell stories without a text in a natural and easy way.
2.Teachers will be have a range of storytelling activities for the classroom aimed at improving different oral and written English language skills, critical thinking, public speaking, ‘interculturality’ in the classroom and classroom management.
3.Teachers will have the skills and resources to guide their students (even young beginners) into becoming storytellers in English.
4.Teachers will have the skills and resources help students transfer their oral storytelling skills to other areas of English and school subjects.
5.Teachers will have developed their creativity, imagination and will have resources to help their students develop in the same way.
Continguts   -Day 1:
1. The theory of storytelling and stories:
•the general structure of stories
•the difference between theatre and storytelling
•what is the importance of stories in life and in the classroom?
•how to prepare a story

2.Practice for the English class: teachers prepare and tell the group their first story. Feedback on performances and discussion: how much of these stories would the students understand? How important is it for them to understand everything? What is the impact of a regular exposure to a higher level English?

Day 2:
1.Storytelling theory and practice:
•The different types of stories (legends, fairy tales, traditional stories, myths, etc)
•How to choose stories for each age and level?
•Physical warm-up before telling a story + working on projection, breathing, elocution, doing different voices, etc).

2.Practice for the English class: classroom activities and lesson plans with teachers as storytellers and students as participatory listeners.

Day 3:
1.Storytelling theory and practice:
•Holding the children’s/audience’s attention, keeping suspense.
•Staying away from a memorised text. Improvising.

2.Practice for the English class: classroom activities and lesson plans for students to learn a story without memorising a text.

Day 4:

1.Storytelling theory and practice:
•Developing creativity and spontaneity
•Pronunciation and elocution
•The use of props and extra elements for storytelling.
•Movement and body language in storytelling

2.Practice for the English class: Classroom activities and lesson plans for getting students to eventually stand in front of a class and tell a story without reading or having memorised.

Day 5:

1.Practice for the English class:
•Classroom activities and lesson plans for expanding the storytelling skills from oral to written from a very young age.
•Expanding storytelling skills to all kinds of presentations and public speaking from a very young age. Lesson plans and activities.
2.Discussion and feedback on how storytelling skills can benefit a teacher in a general way.
3.Resource bank. Internet and books. ideos, lesson plans and stories.
Observacions   Aquesta formació té una part telemàtica de 5h. Les sessions presencials són els dies 3,4,5,6 i 7 de juliol de 9:00 a 14:00 h.
Formador/a   Rebecca Lemaire
Avaluació   There will be ongoing evaluation as attendees will be required to participate actively throughout the course and will be encouraged to reflect on the materials and activities used in order to assess their transferability to the classroom. They will also be expected to demonstrate a short activity incorporating elements they are studying on the course. In addition to this the participants will complete a questionnaire to give their assessment of the course when it finishes.
Requisits de  certificació   There will be ongoing evaluation as attendees will be required to participate actively throughout the course and will be encouraged to reflect on the materials and activities used in order to assess their transferability to the classroom. They will also be expected to demonstrate a short activity incorporating elements they are studying on the course. In addition to this the participants will complete a questionnaire to give their assessment of the course when it finishes.
Persones  destinatàries   Primary school teachers of English
E-mail   estiullengues@xtec.cat
 Sessió 1   dilluns   03/07/2017       
 Sessió 2   -   -       
 Sessió 3   -   -       
 Sessió 4   -   -       
 Sessió 5   divendres   14/07/2017       

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d'Educació
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